Do you need help filing an insurance claim after Hurricanes Milton and Helene in Florida?
Two hurricanes hit Florida at the end of September and the beginning of October. Hurricane Helene caused $47. 5 billion in property losses, which is devastating for Floridians. Hurricane Milton destroyed areas in west and central Florida, leaving 2. 2 million people without power...
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What You Can Do After Lumio Files Chapter 11
There is a solar panel company called Lumio that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on September 4th, 2024. If you're a Lumio customer, you may have questions about warranties, service agreements, and ongoing projects at the top of your mind. Lumio has been sued in a class action, b...
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How to file an insurance claim after Hurricane Beryl in Texas
IntroductionBeryl caused nearly 2 million homes and businesses and 23 deaths from heat exhaustion from the power outages and drowning from the flood. Areas in Houston, Galveston, and Matagorda are recovering from Hurricane Beryl. One of the most critical tips for the aftermath i...
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Discover how the New Flood Plan of 2024 affects 15 regional areas in Texas
Texas has introduced a new flood plan for 2024 to reduce flood risk and improve flood management practices. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) decided that this plan needs to be implemented, and they emphasize a bottom-up, watershed-based approach to reducing floods in Texa...
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New Guidelines for Public Adjuster Contracts in Florida
The Florida Legislature has updated the layout of contracts for public adjusters. We've broken down Florida Statute 626. 8796 so that these changes will help you stay current with your contracts. Public Adjusters Contract Requirements: Every contract must say &ldqu...
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Qué hacer después del huracán Dorian
Cuando se trata de la fuerza impredecible y destructiva de un huracán, como el huracán Dorian, incluso los mejores esfuerzos para proteger su hogar o negocio no pueden garantizar la protección contra daños. Para asegurarse de que su reclamo de seguro s...
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Three Must-Do’s After Hurricane Dorian Hits
When it comes to the unpredictable, destructive force of a hurricane, such as Hurricane Dorian, even the best efforts to protect your home or business cannot guarantee protection from damage. To make sure your insurance claim is handled after the storm hits, there are three must...
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When Do I Need To Hire An Attorney For A Business Matter?
The services of a lawyer can be quite useful in many business scenarios as they can help draw up a contract, assist in incorporating a business and, when necessary, represent you in a lawsuit. However, are the services of a lawyer really that necessary, or are there scenarios whe...
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When Do I Need To Hire an Attorney?
In this blog post, we'll share tips on: When you need to hire an attorneyThe type of issues our attorneys handleHow you can get in touch with an attorneyWhen Do I Need an Attorney? After an incident, many things run across your mind. Should hiring an attorney be...
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What to Do If Your Homeowner’s Insurance Claim is Denied
In our experience it's typically 30 to 40 days after a major weather event, such as a hurricane, when letters begin filling mailboxes addressed from the homeowners insurance company informing you that your claim has been denied or underpaid. From what we’ve learned fr...
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